7 oz. basmati or jasmine rice
1 3/4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
6 tbsp. butter or 4 tbsp. olive oil and 2 tbsp. butter
1 medium onion, finely diced
1 1/4 lbs. spinach, washed and shredded
3 oz. slivered almonds
1/2 cup shredded fresh mint leaves
1/2 cup shredded fresh parsley leaves
1/2 cup chopped fresh dill
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Bring the stock to a boil and then lower the heat and keep at a simmer.
Melt 4 tbsp. butter or heat the olive oil in a heavy saucepan. Add the onion and saute over low-medium heat until translucent. Add the spinach and fresh herbs and cook, stirring, until the liquid has evaporated.
Add the rice, season with salt and pepper, and add the stock. Boil and then simmer covered over very low heat for 12 minutes.
In a small saucepan, melt 2 tbsp. butter and add almonds and stir continuously over medium heat until the almonds start to color; remove immediately from the heat. Do not let them burn!
Add the nuts to the rice, without stirring, and replace the lid for an additional 5 minutes.
Remove from the heat and use a fork to fluff the rice just enough to combine the nuts and rice. Check the moisture level in the rice -- if it seems too wet, leave it uncovered for about 5-10 minutes.
Cover the pan with a clean folded towel, replace the lid, and let it sit until you serve it.
Thanks you